Bhubaneswar: Three players from KISS University – Pabani Sabar, Subhashree Singh and Magai Majhi have made history in the traditional sport of Kho Kho. At the inaugural World Cup held at the Indira Gandhi Indoor Stadium, New Delhi, India emerged victorious in both the men’s and women’s categories.
Pawani Sabar represented KISS in the men’s team, while Subhashree Singh and Magai Majhi were part of the women’s team. This achievement has added a new chapter to the history of Indian and Odisha sports.
KIIT and KISS Founder Dr. Achyuta Samanta travelled to Delhi to personally congratulate the champions. He expressed his pride, stating that the three world champions are not just a source of pride for KISS but also for Odisha, India, and the entire tribal community.