Baidhar the man dependable: brings Solace during the time of Loss and Grief

Prameyanews English

Published By : Satya Mohapatra | February 11, 2025 1:10 PM


When a loved one passes away, a family is often overwhelmed with grief and the sheer weight of practical tasks. In the Nilagiri area of Balasore district, Odisha, there's a man named Baidhar Sethi who steps in during these difficult times, not as a paid professional, but as a compassionate neighbour. He's known locally as the "friend of the bereaved", a comforting presence offering solace and practical help with the final rites. He has helped to cremate more than 250 dead bodies.

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Selfless Service

Baidhar, now 65 years old, lives in the Baunsapala village of Dharampur Panchayat, within the Banaseema area of the Nilagiri block. He's a simple man, the elder son of the late Bairagi Sethi and Khiramani. Father of two, Baidhar is known for his unwavering commitment to help the grieving families in their most vulnerable moments.

Whenever news of a death reaches him, Baidhar goes to the house, without needing an invitation. He doesn't seek payment; his reward is the solace he brings to grieving families. He then takes on the many tasks associated with a cremation: preparing the bier (the structure used to carry the body), gathering the necessary materials like straw and rope, and even coordinating with the mal bhai (traditional cremation workers, if needed). He assists in carrying the body to the cremation ground and helps with every step of the process, right up to the final offering of fire. His service doesn't end there after the cremation, Baidhar diligently collects the ashes and remaining bones (asthi) and arranges for them to be sent to the family, completing the traditional rituals.

Baidhar's dedication stems from a personal experience. He lost his father at a young age and witnessed the cremation process at the local cremation ground. This early exposure sparked a deep-seated desire to help others to steer this difficult time. He began helping with cremations in his youth and has continued ever since. He says losing someone close leaves an unbearable pain, known, only to the sufferers. He believes that, standing with people in these tough times is very important. He has assisted with over 250 cremations in various villages, including Barampur, Dharampur, Anlapal, Dalimbpal, Naranpur, Shaladahar, and Araband. 

Baidhar embodies the true meaning of selfless service, driven not by financial gain but by a genuine desire to ease the burden of others. His story is an example of how one can make a profound difference with the grieving families, simply by offering their time and compassion.

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