Bargarh, Jan 3: The stage is set for the 77th edition of Bargarh’s iconic Dhanu Yatra, the world’s largest open-air theatre, which begins today. This grand cultural festival, celebrating the tales of Lord Krishna, will turn the Western Odisha town into the mythical city of Mathura from the Dwapar era for 11 days, captivating audiences with its vibrant performances and elaborate settings.
The festival opens with a spectacular ceremony, marking the commencement of King Kansa’s rule over "Mathura." Bargarh will play the role of Mathura, while Ambapali will transform into Gopapur, and the Jira River will symbolise the sacred Yamuna. King Kansa’s Rangamahal has been meticulously recreated at the Lok Mandap field, and his Darbar will extend to the streets of Bargarh, where he will engage with the public and impose his royal edicts in a blend of theatricality and tradition.
The Dhanu Yatra unfolds across 22 stages spread over a seven-kilometre radius. Key scenes of Krishnalila will be enacted daily at Kansa Darbar, Rangamahal, and Nanda Darbar. Walls across Bargarh have been adorned with murals depicting the vibrant characters and stories of Dhanu Yatra, immersing the entire town in the festive spirit.
This year, the Odisha government has enhanced the grant for Dhanu Yatra to ₹1.5 crore, underscoring its cultural significance. Culture Minister Suryavansi Suraj announced that 170 leading artists participating in the Yatra will receive cash prizes of ₹10,000 each as part of the government’s initiative to honour their contributions.
Adding to the grandeur, efforts are underway to secure UNESCO recognition for Dhanu Yatra. An expert committee has been formed to oversee this endeavour, and a dedicated website is being developed to provide comprehensive information about the festival. To ensure broader access, the government will broadcast the Yatra live on LED screens across the state, showcasing Odisha’s rich cultural heritage.
As the town of Bargarh transforms into a mythical wonderland, visitors can experience the unique blend of tradition, art, and storytelling that has made Dhanu Yatra a cherished festival. The festivities will continue until January 13, offering a mesmerising glimpse into the grandeur of Odia culture and history.