Berhampur, Sept 17: Renowned chalk carving artist K. Bijay Kumar Reddy has once again captivated the public with his extraordinary talent, creating intricate miniature sculptures of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his late mother, Heeraben Modi. The delicate carvings stand at just 2 cm and 3 cm in height, respectively, and were made as a special birthday tribute to the Prime Minister.
Bijay, a native of Berhampur, has gained widespread recognition for his ability to transform ordinary chalk into works of art. This latest creation holds a special place in his heart, as he hopes to personally present the sculptures to PM Modi during his upcoming visit to Bhubaneswar later this year. "Meeting the Prime Minister and presenting him with this artwork would be a dream come true," Bijay said with excitement.
His work has not gone unnoticed. Bijay recently received the prestigious MyGov Sathi Award in New Delhi, a testament to his growing reputation in the world of miniature art. His creative talent has garnered praise from art enthusiasts and officials alike, with many appreciating the intricate details and precision in his chalk sculptures.
Bijay’s unique form of artistic expression continues to inspire many, and his latest tribute to the Prime Minister is yet another example of his dedication to his craft.