Bifurcation of Bhubaneswar UPD to enhance crime control & law enforcement

Prameyanews English

Published By : Sourav Prakash Das | March 25, 2025 1:23 PM

In order to curb crime rates and maintain law and order, the Bhubaneswar Urban Police District will soon be divided into two separate units: East and West Bhubaneswar

Bhubaneswar, Mar 25: In order to curb crime rates and maintain law and order, the Bhubaneswar Urban Police District will soon be divided into two separate units: East and West Bhubaneswar.


Police play a crucial role in maintaining law and order while combating crime in the city. They are effectively managing a range of criminal activities, such as murder, rape, gang violence, extortion, theft, and robbery. Additionally, they are ensuring peace during protests, religious events, and VIP movements.


With the city's growing population, Bhubaneswar has witnessed an increase in crime rates, similar to trends seen in major cities like Delhi and Mumbai, where same law enforcement strategies have proven effective.


To meet the rising demands of the city, the police department has proposed a restructuring plan that will divide Bhubaneswar into two UPD zones: East and West Bhubaneswar. Each zone will have several police stations, with East Bhubaneswar having 13 stations and West Bhubaneswar 14 stations. New traffic police stations and additional staff will be mobilized to improve efficiency.


The proposal also calls for the creation of 126 new positions, including assistant commissioners, inspectors, and constables, along with 5 platoons of the Armed Police Reserve (APR) to enhance security. As the city's population surpasses 2.7 million in 2025, the crime rate has risen significantly. From 4,566 criminal cases in 2008, the number has escalated to 13,411 in 2025, with a notable increase in traffic-related offenses.


The police are also tasked with managing political events, protests, and public gatherings. In 2024, they provided additional security for VIPs, handling 3,799 security operations and 1,377 instances of law enforcement during protests and rallies.


Since its establishment, the city's police force has made significant progress, growing from 16 stations in 2008 to 29 stations in 2025. With these new proposals, the Bhubaneswar police aim to further strengthen crime control and law enforcement in the rapidly developing urban area.

  • Bifurcation of Bhubaneswar UPD

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In order to curb crime rates and maintain law and order, the Bhubaneswar Urban Police District will soon be divided into two separate units: East and West Bhubaneswar
In order to curb crime rates and maintain law and order, the Bhubaneswar Urban Police District will soon be divided into two separate units: East and West Bhubaneswar
In order to curb crime rates and maintain law and order, the Bhubaneswar Urban Police District will soon be divided into two separate units: East and West Bhubaneswar

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