India's Balancing Act: Navigating the geopolitics of diamonds and oil

Prameyanews English

Published By : Prameya News Bureau | October 28, 2024 2:02 PM

Diamond vs oil

Satyanarayan Mohapatra

The Russia-Ukraine conflict has cast a long shadow over the global economy, creating ripples that have reached the shores of India. While the conflict has disrupted supply chains and fueled geopolitical tensions, it has also presented India with a unique opportunity to redefine its trade relationships and secure its energy needs. However, this balancing act comes at a cost, as evidenced by the contrasting fortunes of India's diamond and crude oil industries.

Diamond dilemma

Surat, India's diamond polishing hub, is facing a crisis. The ban on Russian diamonds, a key source of raw materials for the industry, has led to a sharp decline in production, job losses, and financial distress for thousands of workers. This situation highlights the vulnerability of India's diamond industry to geopolitical events and the ripple effects of sanctions on global trade.

Crude oil advantage

In contrast, India's crude oil imports from Russia have surged since the start of the conflict. With Russian crude available at discounted prices, India has seized the opportunity to secure its energy needs and even boost its refining and export capabilities. This strategic move has not only insulated India from the global energy crisis but has also positioned it as a key player in the global oil market.

The two industries

The contrasting fortunes of the diamond and crude oil industries illustrate the complexities of India's balancing act in the face of geopolitical challenges. While the diamond industry grapples with the fallout of sanctions, the crude oil sector is thriving, highlighting the strategic importance of energy security and India's pragmatic approach to securing its national interests.

  • Diamond Industry: Rough diamond imports have fallen by 24.5%, leading to factory closures and job losses in Surat. The ban on Russian diamonds has particularly impacted the industry, as Russia was India's largest supplier of rough diamonds.
  • Crude Oil Imports: India's crude oil imports from Russia have surged, with Russian crude now accounting for a record 44% of India's total imports. This has allowed India to secure its energy needs at a lower cost and boost its petroleum exports.

India's approach to the Russia-Ukraine conflict reflects its commitment to strategic autonomy and its pragmatic pursuit of national interests. While the country has condemned the violence and called for a peaceful resolution, it has also maintained its trade relations with Russia, particularly in the crucial energy sector.

This balancing act is not without its challenges. India faces criticism from Western nations for its continued engagement with Russia, but it remains steadfast in its pursuit of a foreign policy that prioritizes its own economic and security needs.

As the conflict continues, India's ability to navigate the geopolitical landscape and secure its interests will be crucial. The contrasting fortunes of the diamond and crude oil industries serve as a reminder of the complex choices and trade-offs involved in balancing economic priorities with international relations. India's strategic approach, however, demonstrates its determination to chart its own course and emerge as a resilient and influential player on the global stage.

DISCLAIMER: This brief is based on information from publicly available sources and reflects the author's interpretation of the topic and do not reflect Prameya's or Prameya News7 editorial stance

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