Justice Sanjiv Khanna: The New Chief Justice of India

Prameyanews English

Published By : Prameya News Bureau | October 25, 2024 9:22 AM


In the annals of Indian jurisprudence, a new chapter unfolds as Justice Sanjiv Khanna embarks on his journey as the 51st Chief Justice of India. With a rich legacy of legal brilliance and a commitment to upholding justice, Justice Khanna brings a wealth of experience and wisdom to the highest judicial office in the country.


Justice Khanna's legal journey began in the bustling streets of Delhi, where he served as an additional judge of the Delhi High Court in 2005. His exceptional legal acumen and unwavering dedication to the law earned him a permanent judgeship in 2006. From there, he ascended to the hallowed halls of the Supreme Court of India in 2019, leaving an indelible mark on the Indian legal landscape.


One of Justice Khanna's most notable contributions is his pivotal role in upholding the use of electronic voting machines (EVMs) in Indian elections. His judgment emphasized the security and integrity of EVMs, dismissing concerns of booth capturing and bogus voting. In a landmark decision, Justice Khanna was also part of the five-judge bench that declared the electoral bond scheme unconstitutional, safeguarding the transparency and accountability of political funding.


Justice Khanna's unwavering commitment to upholding constitutional rights was evident in his involvement in the bench that upheld the government's decision to abrogate Article 370 of the Constitution. His profound understanding of constitutional law and his dedication to the rule of law have significantly impacted the interpretation and application of the Constitution of India.


In addition to his influential judgments, Justice Khanna has demonstrated his compassion and fairness through his actions. He granted interim bail to the then Delhi Chief Minister, Arvind Kejriwal, allowing him to campaign in the Lok Sabha elections. This decision showcased Justice Khanna's commitment to ensuring access to justice for all individuals, regardless of their position or affiliation.


As the senior-most judge after the outgoing Chief Justice, Justice Khanna brings a wealth of experience and wisdom to the office of the Chief Justice of India. His tenure promises to be transformative, characterized by a focus on judicial reforms, upholding fundamental rights, and ensuring access to justice for every citizen.

Justice Sanjiv Khanna's appointment as the 51st Chief Justice of India marks a significant moment in the history of Indian jurisprudence. His unwavering commitment to justice, his profound understanding of the law, and his dedication to upholding the rights of all citizens will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact on the Indian legal system and the lives of millions of Indians. As he assumes the mantle of Chief Justice, the nation looks forward to his leadership and the direction he will provide to the Supreme Court of India.

DISCLAIMER: This brief is based on information from publicly available sources and reflects the author's interpretation of the topic and do not reflect Prameya's or Prameya News7 editorial stance.

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