Kerala, January 14: With a significant lead in the mass sexual abuse to a teen Dalit athlete in Kerla, the Special Investigation Team (SIT) has registered two new POCSO cases and arrested two more accused.
In connection with the highly sensitive case, the Kerala’s Pathanamthitta Police, has arrested 44 people so far.
One of the SIT sleuths said, as many as 15 accused are yet to be arrested including two who are now abroad.
The SIT has started proceedings for issuance of a red corner notice to ensure arrest of the two accused persons.
Meanwhile, a local court has recorded the survivor’s statement on Tuesday for an advance trial of the delicate case.
Worth mentioning, the Dalit girl who had been sexually molested by a number of persons including her friends, classmates and coaches since her early childhood, lodged series of complaints regarding her ordeal a while ago.
She opened up everything before the CWC Counselors that was held to keep up her mental stability who was reportedly under deep depression.