Odisha Scientist Debunks Doomsday Claims: Asteroid Apocalypse, Over Asteroid 2024YR4

Prameyanews English

Published By : Satya Mohapatra | March 1, 2025 3:53 PM


Will an Asteroid Destroy Earth? A Reality Check by Dr. Subhendu Pattnaik

Happy Dahibara Dibas, folks! As we celebrate this yummy day here in Odisha, let's talk about something that's been floating around the internet – literally about Asteroid 2024 YR4.

Lately, there's been a lot of buzz, and maybe a little panic, sparked by news reports about asteroids and their potential to, well, end everything. But before you ditch your Dahibara and start building a bunker, let's take a deep breath and check out what the science folks are actually saying.

Science by Dr Subhendu Pattnaik, a popular YouTube channel, recently released a video in Odia addressing these very fears. Titled "Asteroid 2024YR4, ଗ୍ରହାଣୁ ଧକ୍କାରେ ପୃଥିବୀର ଅନ୍ତ ?" (which roughly translates to "Asteroid 2024YR4, End of the World by Asteroid Impact?"), the video takes you into the facts and fiction surrounding asteroid threats.

According to the video, a lot of news out there tends to blow things out of proportion, creating unnecessary alarm. Think of it as asteroid clickbait! Yes, asteroids are out there. Small ones even enter our atmosphere all the time, burning up harmlessly as shooting stars. Larger ones have hit Earth in the distant past, leaving marks like the Tunguska event or the Arizona crater. And yes, a massive asteroid impact millions of years ago might have played a role in the dinosaur's extinction. It makes one scary?

But here's the crucial bit: giant, a kilometer-sized asteroids hitting Earth are incredibly rare. And what about the newly discovered asteroid 2024 YR4? Discovered in December 2024, it did cause some initial jitters. Early calculations hinted at a possible impact zone stretching from North America to Africa and even India. 

However, and this is a big however, scientists around the globe, including big names like NASA and the European Space Agency, are constantly watching and tracking around 20,000 asteroids. They're like cosmic traffic controllers, monitoring trajectories and speeds. And guess what? Their updated calculations show that the probability of 2024 YR4 actually hitting Earth is low. It's now predicted to safely pass by the moon.

What if an asteroid did hit? The video explains that a 300-meter asteroid could create a crater about a kilometer wide. An ocean impact would be less devastating than a hit in a populated area, obviously. But the main message of the video is clear: Don't panic! There's no need to be "ବ୍ୟସ୍ତ" (anxious) or "ଚିନ୍ତା" (worried). Comets and asteroids are not an immediate threat to Earth. The video urges viewers to rely on scientific information and not fall for “ପ୍ରଚାର" (propaganda) or "ଭୁଲ ପ୍ରଚାର" (misinformation).

So, enjoy your Dahibara Dibas, relax, and maybe spend a few minutes watching "Science by Subhendu Pattnaik" on YouTube for a dose of science and reassurance. The sky might be falling in some news reports, but according to the experts, we're good for today. And probably tomorrow too.

With Technical input from: Dr. Subhendu Pattnaik, Former Dy. Director, Pathani Samata Planetarium, Science and Technology Department, Govt. of Odisha.

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