Odisha: Student leaders cheer up as new BJP govt hints to hold college elections

Prameyanews English

Published By : Prameya News Bureau | June 28, 2024 IST

students' union election in Odisha

Bhubaneswar, June 28: Student leaders of various outfits and political parties have expressed their happiness after the new BJP government hinted at holding college elections in Odisha.

The Higher Education Minister Suryabanshi Suraj on Thursday hinted to resume students’ union election in government-run higher educational institutions after six years bringing cheers among students.

Welcoming the gesture of the minister, ABVP state secretary Arijit Patnaik said the outfit will field its candidates in all colleges and universities in the state.

Biju Chhatra Janata Dal (BCJD) state president Devi Ranjan Tripathy said his party will welcome if the new government holds college elections in the state.

Earlier, BCJD had formed campus committees in colleges to raise voice for student rights, he added. The party will come up with new roadmap to fight the students’ union election.

National Students' Union of India (NSUI) president Yashir Nawaz said the BJD government was not holding students’ union elections for the last six years since 2018. The BJP had been demanding to hold college elections and now it’s their turn to announce dates for students’ union election in Odisha.

Similarly, AISF state president Sanghamitra Jena said she hopes the new BJP government will resume sollege elctions in Odisha to give back decocratic right to students to elect their leaders.

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