The entertainment industry mourned the loss of promising young actor Aman Jaiswal, who tragically passed away in a road accident today, January 17th. Jaiswal was only 23 years old known for his role in the TV show Dhartiputra Nandini, was only 23 years old.
According per the last update, Jaiswal was riding his bike on Jogeshwari Highway when a truck struck him. His friend, Abhinesh Mishra, shared the news. Despite being rushed to Cama Hospital, Jaiswal succumbed to his injuries.
Director Dhiraj Mishra, who had worked with Jaiswal, expressed his grief. Jaiswal's untimely death has left his friends, family, and fans in deep sorrow. He was reportedly on his way to an audition when the tragic accident occurred. His commitment to work and his vibrant personality made him a beloved figure on sets. The entertainment industry is in a shock, as he was just beginning his career. Aman Jaiswal's talent and potential was undeniable. He had a bright future ahead of him, and his loss is deeply felt by those who knew and admired him for acting