Bhubaneswar: Even as the nitrates contamination is gripping across the country, Odisha stands out among the crowd for witnessing a faster spread.
When the country in last 6 years has seen a rise of 23% from 359 to over 443 districts in the last 6-year period of 2017-2023 having high then permissible nitrates in the groundwater, Odisha is the only state where the count was up by infinity – means the number of districts in the State was up from 0 to 21 between 2017-2023.
As per Jal Shakti ministry report, the high use of Urea and other fertilisers containing nitrogen for healthy crop growth is the main reason behind rising nitrate contamination at the groundwater level. Addition of nitrogen to soil may lead to nitrate leaching into the soil and groundwater.
Besides urea use, the septic tank systems, wastewater treatment plants, and industrial discharges are also contributing to the increased nitrate contamination of the groundwater.
As per the WHO, nitrate concentration in ground water above 45mg/l is hazardous and unfit for human consumption or use.
In Odisha, as high as 78.6% of habitations depend on groundwater for drinking and other uses. In case of contamination, the adverse health impact on peoples will be humungous.
The data available with Central GroundWater Board, Bhubaneswar, shows rapid rise of nitrate contamination in Odisha ground water. A high of 21 districts have higher nitrate concentration in ground water. It is not limited to a particular region, rather the spread seems universal. But the major affected districts are given below.
- Balasore (alarming in southern areas)
- Cuttack (high in districts western areas)
- Boudh
- Bolangir
- Kalahandi
- Bargarh
- Ganjam
- Angul
- Mayurbhanj
View the map below. Odisha is seen donning a bluish hue.
The WHO report clearly states that drinking of groundwater contaminated by nitrates will lead to hypertension (High Blood Pressure), colorectal cancer, thyroid disorder and Methemoglobinemia (skin colour turning blue). The Methemoglobinemia impact is witnessed more on infants, says WHO report. It added, for which the disease is otherwise known as Blue Baby Syndrome.
As per WHO, drinking of nitrate contaminated water by pregnanat women may lead to following conditions.
- Spontaneous abortion
- Premature delivery
- Fetal growth restriction
The NFHS-5 report has indicated high prevalence of the some disease conditions in the State.
Other significant studies have also shed more light on prevalent disease conditions in the State that are on the rise. The details are given below.
- One-third population in Odisha has thyroid disorder
- As per Union Health Ministry data, 56 per 1000 live births in Odisha are pre-term deliveries.
- As per ICMR report, hypertension prevalence in Odisha has been 34.1%
- As per studies, colorectal cancer prevalence in the State ranges from 2.6% - 3.3% of total cancer cases in the State.
- The colorectal cancer is stated to be on rise in the State courtesy poor food habits also.