New Delhi, January 1: WhatsApp, followed closely by Telegram and Instagram, continues to be a prime platform for cybercriminals, as highlighted in the latest report from the Union Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA).
The report reveals that, in the first quarter of 2024 alone, 43,797 complaints related to cyber fraud via WhatsApp were registered. Telegram and Instagram recorded 22,680 and 19,800 complaints, respectively.
The MHA's annual report for 2023-24 outlines the growing trend of cyber frauds facilitated through popular social media platforms. It highlights how fraudsters exploit Google services, including its advertisement platform, to conduct targeted scams across borders. One such widespread scam, known as the "Pig Butchering Scam" or "Investment Scam," involves significant financial losses, money laundering, and even cases of cyber slavery. Vulnerable groups, including unemployed individuals, housewives, students, and others in financial distress, are often tricked into losing substantial sums of money, sometimes even borrowing funds to participate in these fraudulent schemes.
In response to the growing threat, the Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre (I4C) has collaborated with tech giants like Google and Facebook to share intelligence and implement proactive measures. These efforts include flagging illegal digital lending apps, detecting misuse of Google’s Firebase hosting services by cyber criminals, and identifying Android banking malware. Organized cybercriminal groups are also leveraging sponsored Facebook ads to promote illegal lending apps in India, prompting timely action to shut down such fraudulent activities.