Ahead of Delhi Elections Result Day, Kejriwal’s old bribe drama, Rahul’s ECI blame-game shows jitteriness?

Prameyanews English

Published By : Sanjeev Kumar Patro | February 7, 2025 4:58 PM

Ahead of Delhi Elections Result Day, Kejriwal’s old bribe drama, Rahul’s ECI blame-game shows jitteriness?

Bhubaneswar: February 8 will be the Result Day of Delhi Assembly polls.  Twenty four hours ahead, heightened political activities have been witnessed in two different political camps – Aam Admi Party and Congress Party. 

When the stakes are high for all the three principle political players in the high-profile Delhi poll game, Arvind Kejriwal led AAP’s old political show of ‘BJP horse-trading’ played cinemascope on prime time.

In a different but related political showmanship, Leader of Opposition and Congress leader Rahul Gandhi addressing a Presser has resurrected the Maharashtra poll ghost.

As far as the other key player in the Delhi poll match – the BJP – is concerned, a relatively calm environment prevails. Moreover, the party has not gone into huddle as the Kejriwal-led AAP went Friday.

The heightened dramas played full on the political theatre assumes meaning when seen in the backdrop of exit polls unanimously declaring AAP graph on downslide and BJP taking the Delhi crown away. 


Before the Delhi results day, the AAP getting into huddle and playing the old ‘horse-trading’ show in a grand way, and the Gandhi scion harping on voter list fraud seems like political posturing by the two principal players whom the exit polls show as losing. 

The big factor to fore in the backdrop is, of the 3 key political players, two parties – AAP and Congress – display lack of confidence.

Had AAP been confident of securing over 50 seats, the party would not have played out the high profile political show of ‘horse-trading’ in public.

Similarly, the raking of Maharashtra voter rigging, LoP Rahul Gandhi, too, seems low in confidence on Delhi battle outcome.


  • AAP turning defensive before the outcome; went into huddle fearing ‘horse-trading’.
  • The party also displayed insecure trait
  • By going into huddle, Kejriwal displayed his insecurity. It shows the leader is not in command. The leadership fears a tight battle, at most. The insecurity shows the party is not hoping majority.
  • Rahul Gandhi’s low confidence was to fore as months after Maharashtra polls were done and dusted, he offered new theories to blame BJP for the INDI Alliance rout in Maharshtra.  
  • The blame game by Rahul Gandhi shows he is low in confidence ahead of Delhi results.


Even as the political activities of two key players in Delhi signal some amount of jitteriness, the actual winner and runner will be known Saturday (Feb 8).

While in the 2024 Lok Sabha polls, the BJP swept Delhi by bagging all the 7 seats with a vote share of around 55% (54.7), and INDI Alliance trailing with 43%.

If the same voting pattern is followed, the BJP will sweep the Delhi in a big way.

But since this is an assembly polls, local leadership matters in every constituency. Even independent candidates have a role in denying win to any party. Therefore for BJP, retaining 55% vote share will not be easy. 

In this context, the AXIS MY India exit poll results hint BIG. Still, the poll agency crowns BJP the winner for leading over AAP by a hefty 6% vote share. (see the image above).

  • Delhi Assembly elections
  • Delhi Assembly polls

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Ahead of Delhi Elections Result Day, Kejriwal’s old bribe drama, Rahul’s ECI blame-game shows jitteriness?
Ahead of Delhi Elections Result Day, Kejriwal’s old bribe drama, Rahul’s ECI blame-game shows jitteriness?

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