Apple's Indian odyssey: Beyond manufacturing, embracing ‘Design and R&D’

Prameyanews English

Published By : Satya Mohapatra | November 10, 2024 3:34 PM

Apple r&d

Apple, renowned for its sleek designs and cutting-edge technology, is deepening its roots in India. While the company has already made significant strides in establishing a robust manufacturing base in the country, it's now taking a leap further by setting up a design and R&D subsidiary. This strategic move not only underscores India's growing importance in Apple's global strategy but also highlights the nation's potential as a design and innovation hub.

Traditionally, Apple's design operations have been concentrated in the United States, China, and Israel. However, the establishment of 'Apple Operations India' marks a significant shift, with the subsidiary explicitly mandated to "engage in research and development and design relating to science, engineering, technology and applied technology." This move aligns with the Indian government's push to encourage companies like Apple to augment their manufacturing endeavors with design and R&D activities, fostering local value addition and tapping into India's skilled engineering pool. 

India already boasts a thriving design ecosystem, particularly in the semiconductor domain, where it serves as a major R&D hub for global giants. While most smartphone companies are yet to establish design units in India, Apple's initiative could potentially catalyze a shift in the industry. A senior government official emphasized the significance of design and R&D in the electronics sector, stating, "As companies move more of their assembly operations to the country, having a design unit will help India in creating a larger space within the research ecosystem." 


Apple's expanding footprint in India encompasses a multi-pronged approach, including manufacturing, retail, and now, design and R&D. This comprehensive strategy positions India as a critical player in Apple's global value chain. The Economic Survey 2023-24 reveals the magnitude of Apple's manufacturing presence in India, with the country assembling iPhones worth $14 billion in fiscal year 2024, accounting for 14% of Apple's worldwide production. 


This latest development signifies a new chapter in Apple's Indian narrative, one that goes beyond manufacturing to embrace design and innovation. By harnessing India's engineering talent and fostering local expertise, Apple is not only strengthening its own position but also contributing to India's journey towards becoming a global design and R&D powerhouse.

DISCLAIMER: This brief synthesizes information from various public sources and offers the author's own insights and analysis on the subject matter.

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