Inside India's Most Hauntingly Documented Hotel: Where the ghost of a British officer still patrols the grounds

Prameyanews English

Published By : Kalpit Mohanty | March 11, 2025 1:30 PM

The hotel's primary spectral resident is believed to be Major Charles Burton, a British officer who, along with his two sons, was killed during the Indian Rebellion of 1857

The grand heritage hotel stands majestically along the banks of the Chambal River, its 19th-century colonial architecture a testament to a bygone era. By day, Brij Raj Bhavan Palace Hotel in Kota, Rajasthan, welcomes guests with regal splendor. But as darkness falls, many believe they're not alone in its ornate corridors.

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Built in 1830 as a residence for British officials, then later gifted to the royal family of Kota, this heritage property carries a documented history of paranormal activity that has made it arguably India's most famous haunted hotel.

"What distinguishes Brij Raj Bhavan from other reportedly haunted locations is the consistency of the accounts over decades," explains Dr. Rajiv Chandak, who has researched paranormal claims across India for over twenty years. "The reports follow specific patterns that haven't changed since the palace was converted into a hotel in 1980."

The hotel's primary spectral resident is believed to be Major Charles Burton, a British officer who, along with his two sons, was killed during the Indian Rebellion of 1857. Historical records confirm that Burton was indeed stationed in Kota and met his end there during the uprising.

Hotel staff maintain that Major Burton's ghost patrols the premises between midnight and 3:00 AM. Numerous employees have reported being slapped when sleeping on duty—an experience so common that new staff are warned about it during orientation.

"I didn't believe any of it until it happened to me," says Ramesh Singh, a night watchman who has worked at the hotel for 15 years. "I dozed off around 2:00 AM and was awakened by a sharp slap. There was nobody there, but my face stung as if someone had struck me."

The hotel's guest book contains dozens of entries describing unexplainable occurrences. Recurring reports include sudden drops in temperature, the sensation of being watched, and items mysteriously moving or disappearing.

Room 8, the former office where Major Burton was killed, generates the most reports. Guests describe hearing whispered conversations in English and feeling a presence sitting on the edge of the bed. Electronic devices often malfunction inexplicably in this room.

Karishma Mehta, a travel writer who stayed in Room 8 in 2019, described her experience: "Around 2:30 AM, I woke to what sounded like someone pacing and muttering. The temperature was noticeably colder near the window. My fully charged phone had completely drained. I'm generally skeptical, but I couldn't explain what happened."

The hotel management, rather than downplaying these occurrences, acknowledges them as part of the property's historical fabric. A small plaque outside Room 8 briefly recounts Major Burton's story.

"We don't sensationalize the history, but we don't deny it either," says Divya Singh Rathore, the hotel's manager. "Major Burton's presence is considered more of a guardian than a malevolent spirit. He's been here longer than any of us."

Brij Raj Bhavan's haunting has been investigated by several paranormal research teams, including a 2010 visit by the Indian Paranormal Society. Their investigation recorded unusual electromagnetic fluctuations in Room 8 and unexplained audio phenomena.

"What makes this location interesting from a research perspective is the historical documentation," says Dr. Shantanu Bose, parapsychologist and author of "Haunted India." "We have contemporary accounts from 1857 describing Burton's death exactly where phenomena are reported today."

Beyond Major Burton, staff speak of other entities: a young princess seen in the gardens and the sounds of a royal procession heard on moonless nights. However, these accounts lack the consistency of the Burton phenomena.

While skeptics attribute the experiences to suggestion, old building noises, and the power of story, the hotel continues to attract those seeking a brush with the supernatural. The property has embraced its reputation by offering historical tours that include the haunted locations, though they stop short of promising paranormal encounters.

"We come for the history and architecture," says Priya Sharma, visiting with her family from Delhi. "The ghost stories add another layer of intrigue, but the real charm is how this place preserves a slice of India's complex colonial past."

As the sun sets over the Chambal River, Brij Raj Bhavan transforms. The evening light casts long shadows through the corridors, and the day's heat gives way to a cool breeze that rustles through the ancient neem trees outside. Whether or not one believes in ghosts, there's no denying that something about this place lingers in the mind long after visitors have departed.

For those brave enough to spend a night, Room 8 awaits—just don't be surprised if the Major checks on you during his nightly rounds.

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The hotel's primary spectral resident is believed to be Major Charles Burton, a British officer who, along with his two sons, was killed during the Indian Rebellion of 1857
The hotel's primary spectral resident is believed to be Major Charles Burton, a British officer who, along with his two sons, was killed during the Indian Rebellion of 1857
The hotel's primary spectral resident is believed to be Major Charles Burton, a British officer who, along with his two sons, was killed during the Indian Rebellion of 1857
The hotel's primary spectral resident is believed to be Major Charles Burton, a British officer who, along with his two sons, was killed during the Indian Rebellion of 1857
The hotel's primary spectral resident is believed to be Major Charles Burton, a British officer who, along with his two sons, was killed during the Indian Rebellion of 1857
The hotel's primary spectral resident is believed to be Major Charles Burton, a British officer who, along with his two sons, was killed during the Indian Rebellion of 1857
The hotel's primary spectral resident is believed to be Major Charles Burton, a British officer who, along with his two sons, was killed during the Indian Rebellion of 1857
The hotel's primary spectral resident is believed to be Major Charles Burton, a British officer who, along with his two sons, was killed during the Indian Rebellion of 1857
The hotel's primary spectral resident is believed to be Major Charles Burton, a British officer who, along with his two sons, was killed during the Indian Rebellion of 1857
The hotel's primary spectral resident is believed to be Major Charles Burton, a British officer who, along with his two sons, was killed during the Indian Rebellion of 1857
The hotel's primary spectral resident is believed to be Major Charles Burton, a British officer who, along with his two sons, was killed during the Indian Rebellion of 1857
The hotel's primary spectral resident is believed to be Major Charles Burton, a British officer who, along with his two sons, was killed during the Indian Rebellion of 1857
The hotel's primary spectral resident is believed to be Major Charles Burton, a British officer who, along with his two sons, was killed during the Indian Rebellion of 1857
The hotel's primary spectral resident is believed to be Major Charles Burton, a British officer who, along with his two sons, was killed during the Indian Rebellion of 1857
The hotel's primary spectral resident is believed to be Major Charles Burton, a British officer who, along with his two sons, was killed during the Indian Rebellion of 1857
The hotel's primary spectral resident is believed to be Major Charles Burton, a British officer who, along with his two sons, was killed during the Indian Rebellion of 1857
The hotel's primary spectral resident is believed to be Major Charles Burton, a British officer who, along with his two sons, was killed during the Indian Rebellion of 1857
The hotel's primary spectral resident is believed to be Major Charles Burton, a British officer who, along with his two sons, was killed during the Indian Rebellion of 1857
The hotel's primary spectral resident is believed to be Major Charles Burton, a British officer who, along with his two sons, was killed during the Indian Rebellion of 1857

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