March Morning Sky will go “Planet Free”, India will miss ‘Blood Moon’ and its dark side: NASA

Prameyanews English

Published By : Sanjeev Kumar Patro | March 1, 2025 6:15 PM

March Morning Sky will go “Planet Free”, India will miss ‘Blood Moon’ and its dark side: NASA

Bhubaneswar: What the sky is holding out or hiding away in the month of March, after the scintillating planet parade in February? 

The NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) has an interesting take in the unfolding astronomical events high up in the sky.

While it says March has a little of ‘V’ show, more of ‘M’ moment, there will no planet show in March morning sky – a first in the year 2025.

Releasing details about the astronomical events unfolding in March, the top global space body said, “Catch the Mercury if you can, and view the dark side of the Moon.” this month.


As per NASA, March begins with Venus still hanging out low in the west after sunset, but it will quickly drops out of the sky. By the mid-month it's getting lost in the glare of sunset. 

However, as the sky grows pitch dark, Jupiter and Mars can be sighted high overhead. These two planets will give sky watchers the company through the evening. 

This month the morning sky will go "planet free" for the first time in a year, as all planets set in before the sunrise. 


As per NASA, this month gives sky gazers in northern hemisphere, including India, the best opportunity for trying to spot fast-moving Mercury

“It's only visible for a few weeks at a time every 3 to 4 months. This is because the speedy planet orbits the Sun in just 88 days, so it quickly shifts its position in the sky from day to day. It's always visible either just after sunset or just before sunrise, “adds NASA

‘M’ MOMENT:  March 7th through 9th, look for Mercury beginning about 30 minutes after sunset in the west


As per NASA astronomical calendar, there's a total lunar eclipse on March 13/14. However, it will not be visible in India as the timing of eclipse falls on day time in India.

The NASA report says, as during a total lunar eclipse, when the Moon passes through Earth's shadow, it first appears to have a bite taken out of one side, but as maximum eclipse nears, the Moon transforms into a deep crimson orb.

That red color comes from the ring of all the sunsets and sunrises, it added. Afterward, the eclipse plays out in reverse, with the red color fading, and the dark bite shrinking, until the Moon looks like its usual self again. 

This bite and then Moon turning crimson (blood colour) and then regaining its white glory has been named as Blood Moon – means as if someone has bitten the moon and the blood oozing out.

March 29 will witness a partial solar eclipse. But it will be visible only across Eastern Canada, Greenland, and Northern Europe


As per NASA, March 29 will be new moon day. It says, this is when the dark side of the Moon faces Earth. The new moon also appears close to the Sun in the sky.

However, on solar eclipse day, the dark side of the moon will be revealed, but not for Indian skywatchers. 

A glance at the calendar released by NASA has the following dazzling astronomical events in March.

March 7-9 – Catch Mercury: Look for Mercury beginning about 30 minutes after sunset in the west, about 10 degrees above the horizon. 

March 13-14 – Total Lunar Eclipse: The Moon becomes a crimson orb over a couple of hours on March 13th and into the 14th

March 14 – Full moon

March 29 – New moon and partial solar eclipse.

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March Morning Sky will go “Planet Free”, India will miss ‘Blood Moon’ and its dark side: NASA

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